Why is GAP Model useful in Service Marketing

GAP Model
The Gap Model is a useful framework in understanding the service quality in in organization. First, lets know how is ‘service’ defined. American Association of Marketing, AMA, defines ‘service’ as ‘activities, benefits, or satisfaction that are offered for sale, or provided with connection with the sale of goods’.

The Gaps Model was proposed by A Parasuraman, Valaris Zeithaml and LL Bery in 1985 in the Journal of Marketing.The major factors for determining the Gap Model are as follows:
  • ·       Customer Expectation
  • ·       Customer Perception of Service
  • ·       Management perception of customer expectation
  • ·       Customer Driven Service Designs and Standards
  • ·       Service Delivery
  • ·       External Communication to Customers

These are the various touchpoints in the customer journey that determine which gap is prevalent in the service provided.

There are two types of Gaps: Gap in the Customer side and gap in the Company side.

Difference between expectation and perception
Also known as the Listening Gap
Customer Gap exists in the mind of customers. It occurs when there is mismatch between the Expected Service and Perceived Service. The customer might get the real quality service but if it is different from what the customer had ‘expected’, it leads to Customer Gap. Even if the service provided is of quality bit the customer does not ‘perceive’ it as a quality then this also leads to Customer Gap.
Key Factors leading to Customer Gap:
       i.          Customers are unaware of actual service provided
      ii.          Miscommunication
    iii.          Over-expectation of service

1.     Provider Gap 1: Knowledge Gap
Not knowing what customers want

Key Factors leading to Provider Gap 1:
       i.          Inadequate Marketing Research Orientation
·       Insufficient marketing research
·       Marketing research not focused on service quality
      ii.          Lack Of Upward Communication
·       Lack of interaction between management and customers
·       Too many layers between contact personnel and top management
    iii.          Insufficient Relationship Focus
·       Focus on transaction rather than relationships
·       Focus on new customers rather than relationship customers
    iv.          Inadequate Service Recovery
·       Lack of encouragement to listen to customer complaints
·       No appropriate recovery mechanisms in place for service failures

2.     Provider Gap2: Standard Gap
Not selecting the right service design and standards

Key Factors leading to Provider Gap 2:
       i.          Poor Service Design
·       Unsystematic new service development process
·       Vague, undefined service designs
      ii.          Absence Of Customer-Driven Standards
·       Lack of customer-driven standards
·       Absence of formal process for setting service quality goals
    iii.          Inappropriate Physical Evidence And Services Cape
·       Failure to develop tangibles inline with customer expectation
·       Inadequate maintenance and updating of the service scape

3.     Provider Gap 3: Delivery Gap
Not delivering to service standards
Key Factors leading to Provider Gap 3:
       i.          Deficiencies In Human Resource Policies
·       Ineffective recruitment
·       Role ambiguity and role conflict
·       Inappropriate evaluation and compensation systems
      ii.          Failure To Match Supply And Demand
·       Over-reliance on price to smooth demand
·       Inappropriate customer mix
    iii.          Customers Not Fulfilling Roles
·       Customers lack knowledge of their roles and responsibilities
·       Customers negatively impact each other
    iv.          Problems With Service Intermediaries
·       Channel conflict over objectives and performance
·       Channel conflict over costs and rewards
·       Tension between empowerment and control
·       Difficulty controlling quality and consistency

4.     Provider Gap 4: Communication Gap
Not matching performance to promises

Key Factors leading to Provider Gap 4:
       i.          Lack Of Integrated Service Marketing Communication
·       Not including interactive marketing in communications plan
·       Absence of strong internal marketing program
      ii.          Ineffective Management Of Customer Expectation
·       Not adequately educating customers
·       Not managing customer expectation through all forms of communication
    iii.          Overpromising
·       Overpromising in advertising
·       Overpromising in personal selling
·       Overpromising through physical evidence cues
    iv.          Inadequate Horizontal Communications
·       Inadequate communications between sales and operations
·       Inadequate communications between advertising and operations
·       Difference in policies across branches


1. Closing GAP 1: Listen to Customers
       i.          Use research, complaint analysis, customer panels

      ii.          Increase direct interactions between managers and customers
    iii.          Improve upward communications
    iv.          Act on insights and information

2. Closing GAP 2: Establish the right Service Quality Standards
       i.          Top management should be commited to providing service quality
      ii.          Establish challenging and realistic service quality goals
    iii.          Train mangers to be service quality leaders
    iv.          Be receptive to new ways to deliver service quality
      v.          Set, communicate and reinforce customer-oriented service standards
    vi.          Measure performance of service standards and provide regular feedbacks
   vii.          Reward managers and employees for achievement of quality goals

3. Closing GAP 3: Ensure that service performance meets standards
       i.          Attract the best employees
      ii.          Select the right employees
    iii.          Develop ad support employees
    iv.          Retain good employees

4. Closing GAP 4: Ensure that service delivery matches promise
       i.          Seek input from operations personnel on what can be done
      ii.          Reality in advertising
    iii.          Better communications between sales, operations and marketing
    iv.          Internal marketing programs
      v.          In advertising, focus on service characteristics that are important to customers
    vi.          Manage Customer expectations



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