Alpha, Beta and Power of Test in Hypothesis

Lets begin with the concept of Null Hypotheses.

Assume that the statistical parameters of the Sample set is different from that of the Population set. For example, the population set is 200 students and the sample set is 50 students. The mean of marks secured by the student is 85 in population set and 88 in the sample set.
What can be concluded from the difference in the value of mean? What can be concluded from this experiment? It’s simple. Here are the conclusions:
  • These 50 students are different from the population set of 200, hence their average score is different i.e. behavior of these randomly selected 50 students sample is different from the population (or these are two different population.)
  • There is no difference at all. The result is due to random chance only i.e. we found the average value of 88. It could have been higher / lower than 88 since there are students having average score less or more than 85.
Null Hypothesis (H0)
Null hypothesis states that the sample is no different than the population set.
By default it is assumed that the null hypothesis is valid until there is enough evidence to support rejecting this hypothesis.
Alternative Hypothesis (H1)
Alternate Hypothesis states that there is a difference between groups. The sample groups are different with regard to the population set being studied.
According to the requirement of the research, either Null Hypothesis is accepted or rejected. However, we never prove that the alternative hypothesis is true. We can only reject a hypothesis (say it is false) or fail to reject a hypothesis. So, if a researcher really wants to prove that the Alternate hypothesis is true, s/h will have to reject the null hypothesis, because that is as close as they can get to proving the alternative hypothesis is true.
Type I and Type II Error
Every time we reject a Null Hypothesis, there is a chance that we have made a mistake.
Type I Error: incorrectly rejecting Null Hypothesis when it is true.
Type II Error: incorrectly failing to reject the Null Hypothesis when it is actually false.
Power: rejecting the Null hypothesis when it is actually false.

The probability of occurrence of Type I error is called alpha and the probability of occurrence of Type II error is called Beta.

In simple words, Power is the probability of making a correct decision (to reject the null hypothesis) when the null hypothesis is false. It is mathematically equal to 1- β.  So, Power is the probability of avoiding a Type II error

False (0)
True (1)

Null Hypothesis
False (0)
1- β
Type II Error
True (1)
Type I Error
1- α

The matrix above is referred to as Confusion Matrix

There are the following four primary factors affecting power:
1.       Significance level (or alpha)
2.       Sample size
3.       Variability, or variance, in the measured response variable
4.       Magnitude of the effect of the variable

As the alpha level is the probability of making a Type I error, it seems to make sense that we make the Type I error area as tiny as possible. For example, if we set the alpha level at 10% then there is large (0.1) chance that we might incorrectly reject the null hypothesis, while an alpha level of 1% would make the area tiny. So why not use a tiny area instead of the standard 5%?
The smaller the alpha level, the smaller the area where we would reject the null hypothesis. So if we have a tiny area, there’s more of a chance that we will NOT reject the null, when in fact you should. This is a Type II error. In other words, the more we try and avoid a Type I error, the more likely a Type II error could creep in. Scientists have found that an alpha level of 5% is a good balance between these two issues.

Another example for demonstration of Type I error and Type II error is below:
Null Hypothesis: the person is not guilty

False (0)
True (1)

Null Hypothesis
False (0)

Type II Error
True (1)
Type I Error

One more Example:
Here, Null Hypothesis is “there is no wolf”
Type I error (α): we incorrectly reject the null hypothesis, that there is no wolf (i.e., we believe there is a wolf), even though the null hypothesis is true (there is no wolf).
Type II error (β): we incorrectly fail to reject the null hypothesis (there is no wolf) even though the null hypothesis is false (there is a wolf).



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